Predictive sales forecasting

Have confidence in your forecast and make better decisions with accurate, up-to-date opportunity insights.

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Revolutionize the way you forecast by having better visibility into your pipeline and accurately predicting your sales revenue. By analyzing opportunities in real-time with easily digestible reports, you can identify opportunities at risk faster and improve the performance of your sales team.

Improve forecasting accuracy

Ebsta automatically tracks sales activity and opportunity changes to provide a clear view of your pipeline health. Track changes in real-time to have an up-to-date view of your forecast and where you need to make improvements to hit quota.


What Our Customers Say


Identify opportunities at risk faster

Use insights from previous deals and real-time deal monitoring to help highlight opportunities at risk in the pipeline. Keep your finger on the pulse of opportunities that have lost momentum, are struggling with low engagement or need more stakeholders. Get a clear picture of everything going on with an opportunity by deep-diving into trend changes, relationships and previous activity.

Know what your reps should focus on to hit quota

Never lose sight of where your sales reps are focusing their time by scoring engagement with each opportunity. Help your sales reps quickly identify the opportunities to prioritize in order to hit their quota.


Improve sales performance

Help coach your sales team with data-driven insights. Know your sales team’s activity levels and performance to find ways to improve productivity and effectiveness. Look at trends over time to track individual performance levels.

Ready to find out what Ebsta can offer you?